5 Essential Videos Every Business Needs

By 2017, according to Cisco, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, so if you are a business and you fail to include video in your internet marketing strategy, then it will be to your detriment.

Video is the future of content marketing and has an enormous reach, You Tube alone receives more than 1 billion unique visitors every month. Video is so naturally engaging and if you get it right you can you may even get a video to go viral.

Worried that you haven’t the budget to engage in video production? Think again, most of us have a smartphone with great video recording functions.  You can buy a cheap lapel mic and away you go.

Think about your target audience and consider how you can connect with them and make sure it is mobile friendly, as it is more than likely that this is where it will be viewed.

To get you thinking, here is a short video from our resident video marketing wizard, Ben Brophy, giving you the 5 Essential Videos Every Business Needs. Hope you enjoy it.


Video in Vimeo

5 Essential Videos Every Business Needs (7 mins)

with Ben Brophy


